Apple to spend $2 billion on clean energy data centers in Ireland and Denmark


Apple is investing €1.7 billion ($1.93 billion) in two data centers in Europe, both running on 100% renewable energy, the company announced Monday.

The new facilities, each measuring 166,000 square meters (545,000 square feet) will be located in Athenry, Ireland, and Viborg, Denmark. Apple expects the data centers, which will power several of Apple’s online services, including iTunes Store, App Store, iMessage, Maps and Siri, to become operational in 2017.

“This significant new investment represents Apple’s biggest project in Europe to date,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook in a statement.

The most interesting aspect of the two new data centers is Apple’s focus on clean energy and the protection of the environment. The facility in Ireland, for example, will provide an outdoor education space for schools in the area, as well as a walking trail, while the one in Denmark will capture excess heat from the equipment located inside and redirect it into the district’s heating system.

The investment in Ireland comes after the Government there decided to phase out the tax arrangement known as the “double Irish” that allowed companies like Apple, Facebook and Google to substantially reduce their tax liabilities.

In the press release accompanying the announcement, Apple also dropped a few interesting figures regarding its operations in Europe. According to the company, Apple now directly employs 18,300 people in 19 European countries (2,000 of those were added in the last 12 months alone), and supports nearly 672,000 European jobs.

Information from :

This 25-Year-Old Computer Just Sold for $23,000 on eBay


The Apple 1 is the most sought after collector piece of computing hardware. It is the Action Comics No. 1 of retro computing. The first appearance of Superman. The one that started it all. But if there was to be a No. 2, it would be this guy—the Commodore 65.

Although it doesn’t have the meteoric sales numbers like the Apple 1, it is almost on par in rarity. Only 50 to 200 Commodore 65 (also known as Commodore 64DX) still exist. This prototype, created in 1990, “was intended to be the last great 8-bit system,” according toHackaday’s Brian Benchoff, who spotted the original eBay listing.


The C65 start screen

The Commodore 65 in action

The C65 was meant to be backwards compatible with the C64 but also provide Amiga-level features of the time. The project began in late 1990 but was soon canceled. When Commodore was liquidated years later, some C65 computers were sold to the public, mostly likely the same machines circulating on auction websites today.

From :
post by : Darren Orf

This App Tells You The Probability Of Your Plane Crashing

After learning that the plane would fall only 1 in 9 million, according to statistics on the application named “Am I Going Down?”.

Information from Apple also said that even you have to fly every day for the next 11,146 years, you hardly even once met with an accident.

This app allows users to calculate the risk or chance that the plane would crash every flight they take a risk in the hope that the  “ZERO” number will help reduce the concerns of passengers before flying.

You can calculate the chance that the plane will fall by the airline and the aircraft’s ranking of safety statistics. Whether you choose a specific point of departure and destination as well.

For the safety ratings of the airline. This app is calculated from a fatal accident and the death of the last of the airline itself.

This app is available for users of iOS only.


What is Big Data?

What is BIG DATA ???

What data come from???
In the first age of technology , all the data come from users,worker,or people that sit in front of the machine and put the data in to the system.Those data used by user who need data for their specific tasks.

After that ,users are able to input data back to make a two way communication like facebook,and other social network site.

Now,not only human that can generate data in to the system but machine can also put data in to the world too.

so let’s think about those data.2.5 trillion bytes (Zero 18 characters) is the amount of information that occurs on a daily basis. These data are “Huge treasure” for the technology world. Anyone with information on hand will have an advantage over other. But if only the information cannot be analyzed and applied effectively. It’s no different from a monkey with valuables in hand but not usable.

Big Data analysis is so important for the corporate vision , depth needs, know and understand the needs of consumers Which are an opportunity to take a step to success. Thus, a new era of corporate executives, government, private or public organizations can not avoid to Big Data and used effectively for the benefit of the organization.